The following is a list of research and scholarship activities that the MLL research group has been involved in. You can request a copy of any or all of the following by sending the request through the MLL home page (click back).
Books and Journal Publications
Mitra, A. (2018). Overcoming the Flaws of Needs Assessments: The New Realm of Big Data. NRPA Magazine
Mitra, A. (2018). Collecting Citizen Input Updated edition. Sagamore Publications
Mitra, A. (2017). Managing and Visualizing Unstructured Big Data. In (Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Ed), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition.
Mitra, A. (2014). Narbs: A Narrative Approach to the Use of Big Data. Communication Yearbook 2013. Routledge Publications.
Mitra, A. and Mamani, S. (2014). Using narbs to create narrative maps from unstructured Big Data: A case study. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research.
Mitra, A. (2014). Digital DNA: Managing your Narbs. Rupa Publications.
Mitra, A. (2013). Mapping Narbs. In (Greg Wise, Ed), New Visualities, New Technologies: The New Ecstasy of Communication, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Mitra, A. (2011). Collecting Citizen Input. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
Mitra, A. (2005). Weaving a new web. Parks and Recreation, June 2005 |
Mitra, A. (2002). Deciding what programs to offer. Management Strategy, 26(2), 1,4. |
Mitra, A. (2001). Thinking of recreation needs assessments. Parks and Recreation, 36, 5, 16-18. |
Mitra, A. (1999). The importance of comprehensive needs assessment for parks and recreation agencies. Management Strategy, 23(1), 1-7. |
Mitra, A. and Lankford, S. (1999). Research Methods in Park, Recreation and Leisure Services. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. |
Mitra, A. (1998). Construction and utilization of community surveys. In (Ed. Joseph J. Bannon), Leisure resources: Its comprehensive planning. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. |
Mitra, A. (1998). Needs Assessment Plans. Management Strategy, 22(3), 4. |
Mitra, A. (1994). Use of Focus Groups in the Design of Questionnaires for Needs Assessment. Evaluation and Program Planning, 17(2), 133-140. |
Johnson, T., Mitra, A., Newman, R. and Horm, J. (1993). Problems of Definition in Sampling Special Populations: The Case of Homeless Persons. Evaluation Practice, 14(2), 119-126. |
Conferences, Workshops and Key Notes
“Multi-mode data collection for citizen surveys” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Parks and Recreation Association, Michigan City, IN, January 2012.
“Is it social media or is it network media?” Paper presented at the Culture, Media and Ethic Conference of the University of Poznan, Poland, October 2011.
“A systematic approach to analysis of the text of social media.” Paper presented at the Ethicomp 2011 conference, Sheffield, UK, September 2011.
“Data Collection using the Web.” Annual Conference of the Florida Parks and Recreation Association, Orlando, FL, September 2011.
“Collecting citizen input.” Annual Conference of the Texas Parks and Recreation Association, McAllen, TX, March 2011.
“Collecting citizen input.” Annual Conference of the Michigan Parks and Recreation Association, Acme, MI, February 2011.
“Collecting citizen input.” Annual Conference of the Indiana Parks and Recreation Association, Indianapolis, IN, January 2011.
National Recreation and Parks Association, October 2010Invited to present a Workshop on citizen data collection by Long Island Leisure Services Association, Great Neck, NY, March 2010.
Annual Conference of the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association, Akron, OH, January 2010.New Technologies of Data Collection. Annual Conference of the Kentucky Parks and Recreation Association, Louisville, KY, November 2009.
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the North and South Carolina Parks and Recreation Association, Winston-Salem, NC, November 2009.
Technologies to collect survey data. Cairo Second International Conference on Public Opinion Poll, Cairo, Egypt, November 2009.
Revisiting Gender and Class as Vectors of Difference in Computer Use among College Students. E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, Canada, October 2009.
New Technologies of Data Collection. Annual Conference of the Tennessee Parks and Recreation Association, Kingsport, TN, September 2009.
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Tennessee Parks and Recreation Association, Kingsport, TN, September 2009.
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Virginia Parks and Recreation Association, Roanoke, VA, September 2009. Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Oklahoma Parks and Recreation Association, Tulsa, OK, November 2008.
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Georgia Parks and Recreation Association, Athens, GA, November 2008. |
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Missouri Parks and Recreation Association, Lake of the Ozarks, MO, March 2008. |
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Arkansas Parks and Recreation Association, Eureka Springs, AR, March 2008. |
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association, Dayton, OH, February 2008. |
Needs Assessment: Taking the Pulse of Communities. Annual Conference of the Michigan Parks and Recreation Association, Acme, MI, January 2008. |
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Indiana Parks and Recreation Association, Indianapolis, IN, January 2008. |
Invited lecture at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute of Collegio EPI in Aruba, April 2009 Presentation at 2007 National Recreation and Parks Association national conference selected as one of the Top 20 educational sessions on citizen data collection
Community Hear: Listen to Citizens. Annual Conference of the Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association, Paris, TN, November 2006. |
Webbing Your Way to the Citizen. Annual Conference of the Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association, Paris, TN, November 2006. |
Collecting Citizen Input. Annual Conference of the Oklahoma Recreation and Parks Association, Tulsa, OK, October 2006. |
Web-based data collection. Annual Conference of the National Recreation and Parks Association, Seattle, WA, October 2006. |
Community input: Process and outcomes. Annual Conference of the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association, Phoenix, AZ, August 2006. |
Collecting citizen input. Invited Workshop convened by the Georgia Parks and Recreation Association, Covington, GA, August 2006. |
Community input: Process and outcomes. Annual Conference of the Florida Parks and Recreation Association, Tampa, FL, September 2005. |
Utilizing community input. (A. Mitra, and B. Kauffmann) Annual Conference of the New Jersey Parks and Recreation Association, Atlantic City, NJ, March 2005. |
Collecting citizen input. Invited Workshop jointly convened by the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association, Carol Stream, IL, March 2005. |
Collecting community input: Staying in touch with who we serve. Invited Workshop at the Pre-Conference and CBM Institute of the 2003 Annual Conference of the South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association, September 2003. |
Keynote address at the 2002 Annual Conference of the New Mexico Recreation and Parks Association, September 2002. |
Citizen Data Collection: Process and Outcome. Invited Workshop at the 2002 Annual Conference of the New Mexico Recreation and Parks Association, September 2002. |
Citizen Data Collection: Process and Outcome. Invited Workshop at the 2002 Annual Conference of the New Jersey Recreation and Parks Association, March 2002. |
Needs Assessments. Invited Workshop at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Massachusetts Recreation and Parks Association, November 2001. |
Community input: Process and Outcome. Invited Workshop at the 2001 Training Institute of the New Jersey Recreation and Park Association, October 2001. |
Gathering Citizen Input in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services. Invited Workshop at the 2001 Annual Conference of the North Eastern Training Institute of the National Recreation and Parks Association, June 2001. |
Needs Assessments in Park, Recreation and Leisure Services. Invited Workshop at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Parks and Recreation Society, Seven Springs, PA, March 2001. |
Needs Assessments: Taking the Pulse of Communities. Invited Workshop at the 2000 Annual Conference of the Virginia Parks and Recreation Society, Hot Springs, VA, December 2000. |
Needs assessment: Taking the pulse of communities. (with J. Bannon, Sr., P. Rea, N. MacCartney and M. Pope). National Recreation and Parks Association national conference, Nashville, TN, October 1999. |
Needs assessment in recreation planning. (with M. Baker). Joint Conference of the North and South Carolina Parks and Recreation Societies, Myrtle Beach, SC, October 1998. |
Role of citizen input in recreation planning. National Recreation and Parks Association Southern Regional Conference, Asheville, NC, April 1998. |
Attitude and Interest Surveys. State-wide teleconference presentation for North Carolina Recreation Resource Services of the North Carolina State University. Wake Forest University Medical School Teleconference Center, Winston-Salem, January 1998. |
Needs Assessment and Citizen Input. Workshop at the annual convention of the Connecticut Parks and Recreation Association, November 1997. |
Needs Assessment. (J. Bannon, A. Mitra, M. Pope) National Recreation and Parks Association Conference, Kansas-City, MO, October 1996. |