About MLL:
- Methodology endorsed by national professional organizations such as the National Recreation and Parks Association
- Collaboration with other consultants
- Low overheads
- 24/7 availability by phone and e-mail
- Research team approach as used by federally funded researchers
- Personnel with advanced degrees in parks and recreation, survey methodology, and data analysis
Key Personnel:
Dr. Ananda Mitra earned his doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (1992) and served at the Head of the Sampling Section of the Survey Research Laboratory of the University for several years helping with Federally and State funded data collection projects. During his tenure at the University of Illinois he was involved in several federally funded projects including a study of homelessness in Chicago. Ananda then moved to Wake Forest University where he has been on the faculty since 1994 during which he served as the Chair of the Department of Communication and is currently a Professor of Communication and a Professor of Public Health at Wake Forest University. Additionally, Ananda also served as the founder director of the Survey Research Center of Wake Forest University, and served as the chief online data collection methodologist for several funded research projects at Wake Forest University including a six-year long longitudinal study in several college-towns in North Carolina to study community-level intervention to reduce under-age drinking; for this Federally funded project Ananda developed specific methods of Internet-based data collection that is now widely used by other researchers. Ananda, as the owner of MLL, has directed nearly 150 recreation needs assessments and has been the project director for all the recreation needs assessments conducted by MLL. Ananda is also the inventor of the concepts of narrative-bits (narbs), and the RecStor analysis based on the narb theories. Finally, Ananda is the author of three books on needs assessment, several journal and magazine articles, and lead presenter in numerous educational session and workshops at international, national, and state conferences that has established the “best practices” for collecting citizen data. Ananda brings this vast field and research experience to MLL research.
Srijoy Mitra., Business Development and West Coast Representative
Srijoy Mitra has a background in sales and entertainment having worked with national groups such as Market America and is an independent entertainment professional. He is based out of Los Angeles, CA and represents MLL interests in the Western states.
- Dr. Joseph Bannon, Jr., MLL founder and Senior Advisor, former President of National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA)
- Area associate and special expertise personnel are brought in as needed